Saturday, January 4, 2014

January Jewels Part 1

January Jewels Part 1

(copyright 2013 EstherHunterMinistries)

I want to take this month to encourage you to capture the power of this moment! January marks the beginning of a New Year, and often, a new season  of   Vision- Opportunities- Inspiration-Challenges- Expectation. As we embark upon 2014, I want to express to you, the significance of Your V.O.I.C.E and how You should use it, strategically, to fulfill your purpose in life. 


Vision is crucial for your success, because it is directly tied to your spiritual insight or revelation of God. He is the only one who can give you his original plan for your life. Vision is so significant that the writer of Proverbs says, the lack of it will cause people to perish. Let's look at this from a  biblical perspective. 
Proverbs 29:18 (NKJV)
"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint;But happy is he who keeps the law. "
The amplified version says "where there is no redemptive revelation of God" the people perish. From this translation we can see that Vision, inspired by God, is redemptive. Not just for your personal redemption (freedom), but for those whom you will influence.  Another important point is that Your vision has boundaries within it. The law symbolizes boundaries, that when respected, can produce happiness. In 2014, remember to keep your eyes on your race. There are so many distractions that can come to slow your progress, but you must stay focused in order to win the prize and flow within your boundaries! 
Good News...the boundaries of your vision are limitless when you walk in the plan of God. He can take you beyond any barriers and shine through you. 

God has a specific plan that is designed for the fulfillment of your vision. That plan can only be revealed to you as you seek God and inquire of him. People may be able to encourage, advise and support you; however, they were never designed to create a vision for your life. God decided that before you were born and did not consult anyone in the process! (see Jeremiah 1:4-5)

For further teaching subscribe to Esther Hunter's  You Tube channel

January Jewels Part 1

January Jewels Part 1

(copyright 2013 EstherHunterMinistries)

I want to take this month to encourage you to capture the power of this moment! January marks the beginning of a New Year, and often, a new season  of   Vision- Opportunities- Inspiration-Challenges- Expectation. As we embark upon 2014, I want to express to you, the significance of Your V.O.I.C.E and how You should use it, strategically, to fulfill your purpose in life. 


Vision is crucial for your success, because it is directly tied to your spiritual insight or revelation of God. He is the only one who can give you his original plan for your life. Vision is so significant that the writer of Proverbs says, the lack of it will cause people to perish. Let's look at this from a  biblical perspective. 
Proverbs 29:18 (NKJV)
"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint;But happy is he who keeps the law. "
The amplified version says "where there is no redemptive revelation of God" the people perish. From this translation we can see that Vision, inspired by God, is redemptive. Not just for your personal redemption (freedom), but for those whom you will influence.  Another important point is that Your vision has boundaries within it. The law symbolizes boundaries, that when respected, can produce happiness. In 2014, remember to keep your eyes on your race. There are so many distractions that can come to slow your progress, but you must stay focused in order to win the prize and flow within your boundaries! 
Good News...the boundaries of your vision are limitless when you walk in the plan of God. He can take you beyond any barriers and shine through you. 

God has a specific plan that is designed for the fulfillment of your vision. That plan can only be revealed to you as you seek God and inquire of him. People may be able to encourage, advise and support you; however, they were never designed to create a vision for your life. God decided that before you were born and did not consult anyone in the process! (see Jeremiah 1:4-5)

For further teaching subscribe to Esther Hunter's  You Tube channel

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Destiny Moments Part 2

 (c) 2013 EstherHunterMinistries                                                                                                                      

Destiny Moments by Esther Hunter, Author/Speaker

Ever Wonder Why Certain Things Happen In Your Life At a Certain Time? Kairos is from the Greek word meaning "a fixed and definite time, when things are brought to crisis, the decisive epoch waited for and the opportune, seasonable time." I call them, Destiny Moments...

Destiny Moments: Are Often Activated By Destiny Moves

There are certain, strategic moves that you may sense in your heart that you should make. Steps that you should take in a certain direction, whether relational, spiritual or just know that it's time for change and that "this" is a move that you need to make. Often, we ignore that little nudging in our spirit that says, do this or don't do that and then later, feel a sense of loss or disappointment. The reason that feeling comes is because your spirit is aware of something that your logic couldn't explain and you decided to go with logic instead of spiritual inspiration. I am not talking about moving out on a whim just because you think you should do something new. No, I'm talking about something much deeper than that. I'm talking about #DestinyMoments that bring you into alignment with your divine assignment. Those times in life when you are in the right place at the right time and something supernaturally positive happens. 

Destiny Moments are designed by God to reaffirm that you are on the right path. We often say things like, "that is a confirmation for me.." What we are really experiencing is the divine hand of God and his divine providence at work in our lives. Those divine moments have a way of transforming the way that you think, feel and see things, and can shift you into greater levels of victory and success. They may even help steer you into a direction away from danger or out of a bad business deal. Either way, Destiny Moments are often associated with your decision to make a move. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you will always see something spectacular while you are taking destiny steps. Many times, the results follow your decisions and you look back and say, Now I Understand WHY I Had To Make That Move, Make That Decision, Connect With This Group...If it is truly a Destiny Moment inspired by a destiny move, it will produce results.

While talking to a friend recently, I was reminded of Psalm 37:23 (KJV)  "the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delights in his way..." Be assured that in your endeavor to fulfill your purpose, God will "order" your steps...Your job is to follow his orders. Brace yourself to experience your unique #DestinyMoments.

Destiny Moments Part 2

 (c) 2013 EstherHunterMinistries                                                                                                                      

Destiny Moments by Esther Hunter, Author/Speaker

Ever Wonder Why Certain Things Happen In Your Life At a Certain Time? Kairos is from the Greek word meaning "a fixed and definite time, when things are brought to crisis, the decisive epoch waited for and the opportune, seasonable time." I call them, Destiny Moments...

Destiny Moments: Are Often Activated By Destiny Moves

There are certain, strategic moves that you may sense in your heart that you should make. Steps that you should take in a certain direction, whether relational, spiritual or just know that it's time for change and that "this" is a move that you need to make. Often, we ignore that little nudging in our spirit that says, do this or don't do that and then later, feel a sense of loss or disappointment. The reason that feeling comes is because your spirit is aware of something that your logic couldn't explain and you decided to go with logic instead of spiritual inspiration. I am not talking about moving out on a whim just because you think you should do something new. No, I'm talking about something much deeper than that. I'm talking about #DestinyMoments that bring you into alignment with your divine assignment. Those times in life when you are in the right place at the right time and something supernaturally positive happens. 

Destiny Moments are designed by God to reaffirm that you are on the right path. We often say things like, "that is a confirmation for me.." What we are really experiencing is the divine hand of God and his divine providence at work in our lives. Those divine moments have a way of transforming the way that you think, feel and see things, and can shift you into greater levels of victory and success. They may even help steer you into a direction away from danger or out of a bad business deal. Either way, Destiny Moments are often associated with your decision to make a move. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you will always see something spectacular while you are taking destiny steps. Many times, the results follow your decisions and you look back and say, Now I Understand WHY I Had To Make That Move, Make That Decision, Connect With This Group...If it is truly a Destiny Moment inspired by a destiny move, it will produce results.

While talking to a friend recently, I was reminded of Psalm 37:23 (KJV)  "the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delights in his way..." Be assured that in your endeavor to fulfill your purpose, God will "order" your steps...Your job is to follow his orders. Brace yourself to experience your unique #DestinyMoments.