Friday, June 25, 2021

Keep On Going, Victory is Near!

Keep On Going, Victory is Near!

Have you ever felt like just stopping...maybe you've been at a point where life just appeared to be too hard. If so, let me encourage you to keep on going! The truth is that when you want to stop, you are most likely at a point of tremendous victory. That's right, the temptation to quit is an indication that victory is near. 

Remember when Jesus was about to experience the victory of  the cross? It's recorded in Luke 22:42 (NKJV), Just a few hours earlier, he was in the garden of Gethsemane praying to his Father "If it is your will, take this cup away from me" but after sweating as so profusely that his sweat became blood, he said, "Nevertheless, not my will but yours be done. He overcame with one decision, and as a result, We are now born again children of God. So, what is your issue today? Look at and decide, I WILL Keep Going until I reach my place of victory. 

Copyright (c) June 25, 2021 Esther D. Hunter, All rights reserved. 

Posted by Esther Hunter, MBA