Saturday, May 4, 2024

Yet, I Will Rejoice!

Can you take a moment to journey with me through a very short, but powerful scene in the Bible? Im looking through the lens of Habakkuk and power truths about rejoicing in difficult times, stood out! I realized  that the circumstances for Israel at that time, didnt look good. His people were suffering greatly; his heart was overwhelmed with concern for them, and he cried out to God with questions, as he waited for the One true God to answer. 

Does this sound like something you may have felt as you cried out to God concerning circumstances in your life or those whom you love? Well, if you're in that place, you're in a good place because God Always answers a heartfelt, sincere prayer. In fact, in Habakkuk 3 God speaks to his servant and tells him his plan of deliverance for the people, and he will do the same for you.

He may not come to you in a vision, but he will answer you, as you trust him, and put your faith in him.  While you're waiting, remember to rejoice, with confident expectation. Rejoicing in the faithfulness of God can bring you into a place of sweet victory, and suddenly you'll realize that the problems have been swallowed up in the answers that He brings. So rejoice, your victory has come.


Habakkuk 3:18 AMP

Yet, I will rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the [victorious] God of my salvation!