Monday, January 6, 2014

January Jewels Part 2

(copyright 2013 EstherHunterMinistries)

Another word for opportunities is “possibilities.” This month, begin to think of opportunities as possibilities that God has placed within you. Remember the scripture that says “All things are possible with God ? ” Let's look at it:
Matthew 19:26 (AMP)
But Jesus looked at them and said, with men this is impossible, but all things are possible with God.”

Here we see that Jesus made a clear distinction between man's limited ability and Gods power. He made it clear that some situations are literally impossible for man to accomplish on his own; however, he never limited us to only being able to achieve with our human ability. When we add God to the equation, suddenly what was impossible becomes possible “with God.” So, for all of you who feel that your situation is impossible, it is highly likely that you are only viewing it within the parameters of your own human ability. It's time to take the limits off of God and yourself.

Examine closely, what you believe about opportunities. Do you see opportunities as something that another person must bring or open up for you? If so, you are not so different from most people. However, when you understand the true meaning of opportunity, you approach it differently. Opportunities are actually possibilities that are within your reach/grasp. Something that is actually attainable for you, when you initiate an action and receive Gods grace(ability). It's time to stop merely seeking for other people to make things happen for you, or for others to favor you with an “opportunity.” Certainly, God can cause others to look upon you favorably; however, in doing so, he never relinquishes his authority to others. Receive the favor that comes your way; but, don't limit yourself to how others respond to you. Instead, wholeheartedly commit yourself to fulfilling the vision in your heart. Allow yourself to embrace the truth that it is possible for you to achieve your dream. With Gods help, you can begin to see the dream become a reality. In fact, if you have a dream inside of you, it serves as evidence that God is showing you a path of possibility for your life, that will cause you to fulfill your purpose/destiny.

God would not place your destiny in someone else's hands... He has equipped you to fulfill it; however, you must overcome negative thoughts that say that you can't do it, or that you are not gifted enough to achieve it, or even those negative words that others have spoken to you or about you, to try to rob you of your vision. There is a method to overcoming the madness of self doubt and defeat. Through meditation on the word of God, you can transform the way that you think about yourself. Be encouraged and know that your opportunities are actually possibilities waiting to become your reality. 

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