Saturday, February 1, 2014


Time For You

© copyright 2014 Esther Hunter

It is easy to get so caught up in the rush of life, that you don't take time to Enjoy life...Life is a “gift” given to you from God. Whenever someone gives you a gift, the goal is not to see how difficult it is for you to open the package, or to see how stressed you become before your finally see what's inside. The joy for the giver is to see the joy that the gift brings to the receiver... God gave you life to enjoy, and to find fulfillment in the purpose for which you were born. He delights in you and wants to see you vibrant, happy, excited and fulfilled in life. Although life brings many responsibilities, let's not forget that one of them is to embrace to goodness that God has given to us in each new day.

Take time to enjoy who you are! You have been granted permission by the King of kings to receive the abundant life that he has prepared for you. Take time to be refreshed so that you can be the best you for those whom you love. If you don't take sufficient time to replenish your soul, laugh and just relax, you will miss the beauty of today and ultimately feel robbed of virtue. Have you been feeling a little down, or like everyone and everything is demanding of your time? If so, those feelings may be a result of you not taking time to refuel your soul with healthy attention.

Thought For Meditation:
John 10:10 AMP

“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they might have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, until it overflows).”